E-Design: The Cost-Effective Alternative

E-design is becoming increasingly popular in the Interior Design industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using this method, a designer can help you redesign your home without even visiting it. If you are planning to redesign your home, e-design may be the perfect solution for you. Read on to find out why.

What Is E-design?

E-design, also known as virtual, remote, or electronic design, is an interior design service performed entirely online. It is a simple and affordable alternative to traditional design services. With e-design, you could work with designers from anywhere in the world without worrying about geographical boundaries. Thanks to its flexibility and convenience, some people call e-design “the revolution of interior design.”

How Does It Work?

In traditional design service, a designer visits your home or office, evaluates and measures your space, and discusses your design needs with you in person.

The designer and you collaborate by e-mail and phone to determine your vision and get photos and measurements of your home. Then they draft digital design boards to show concept and mood, spatial planning views, create digital renderings in 2D or 3D (The Staging Place offers this as an optional service), and create a source list of furnishings and decor. Once the design is finalized, all you have to do is follow their design and instructions to purchase materials and set up your space. The designer would guide you through the entire process virtually.

Benefits of E-design

1. Completely Digital

E-design is fully digital, so all communication is done via email, phone, and video chats. All work can be done on your own time, without someone visiting your home or time spent shopping and meeting.

2. Affordable

E-design is extremely affordable depending on the scope of design you want. This allows you to work with talented interior designers at a fraction of the cost. The costs of e-design are lower than traditional services since the designer does not have to travel, consult in person, measure, or arrange furniture costs. Instead, the job of measuring the space, purchasing items, and styling the space is up to the client.

3. Fixed Cost

The third advantage of e-design is that the scope of work is fixed, so you have a set price for the package you choose! You know exactly how much you’re spending and what you’re paying for. No hidden fees!

If you need expert help to redesign your home, Contact The Staging Place, and we’ll help design a space you’ll love with our professional online interior design services. When you work with The Staging Place, you collaborate with a designer one-on-one, review options together, share feedback, then watch your space take shape.

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