Budget-Friendly Staging: Tips for Staging an Empty House

Budget-Friendly Staging: Tips for Staging an Empty House

Selling a home is a significant undertaking, and making a property stand out in the competitive Edmonton market is crucial for a quick and profitable sale. Staging plays a pivotal role in this process, transforming spaces to appeal to potential buyers. Expert staging can help buyers visualize themselves in the home, making it more attractive and easier to sell.

In this blog, we will explore the role of staging in selling a home, how to plan your staging on a budget, essential tips for staging an empty house, and small touches that can make a big impact. We’ll also cover final preparations before showings to ensure your home is show-ready.

The Role of Staging in Selling a Home

Staging a home is more than just arranging furniture and adding decorative items; it’s about creating an environment that allows buyers to envision living in the space. Well-staged homes not only look appealing but also highlight the property’s best features and downplay any shortcomings. Here’s why staging is essential:

1. First Impressions Matter: Potential buyers often make up their minds within minutes of entering a home. A staged home creates a positive first impression, making buyers more likely to put in an offer.

2. Increased Perceived Value: Staging an empty house can make a home appear well-maintained and move-in ready, increasing its perceived value. This can lead to higher offers and a quicker sale.

3. Helps Buyers Visualize: Many buyers struggle to visualize the potential of an empty or cluttered space. Staging provides a clear picture of how rooms can be utilized, helping buyers see themselves living in the home.

4. Competitive Edge: In a saturated market, a staged home stands out against the competition. It can be the deciding factor that sets your property apart from others on the market.

Planning Your Staging on a Budget

Staging doesn’t have to break the bank. With some strategic planning and creativity, you can stage your home effectively without spending a fortune. Here are some tips to stage your home on a budget:

1. Declutter and Clean: The first step in staging is to declutter and clean the entire house. Remove personal items, excess furniture, and anything that might distract buyers while staging an empty house. A clean, clutter-free home looks larger and more inviting.

2. Repurpose Existing Furniture: Use the furniture you already have to create a cohesive and inviting space. Rearrange pieces to improve flow and highlight key areas of the home.

3. DIY Projects: Simple DIY projects, like painting walls in neutral colors or updating cabinet hardware, can make a big difference without costing much.

4. Borrow or Rent Furniture: If you need additional furniture or decor items, consider borrowing from friends or renting from staging companies. This can be more cost-effective than buying new pieces.

5. Focus on Key Areas: Prioritize staging high-impact areas like the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom. These are the spaces that buyers pay the most attention to.

Essential Staging Tips for an Empty House

Staging an empty house can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase the home’s full potential. Here are some essential tips for staging an empty house:

1. Define Each Space: Clearly define the purpose of each room. Use furniture and decor to show how each area can be utilized. For example, set up a home office in a spare bedroom or create a cozy reading nook in an unused corner.

2. Add Warmth and Character: Empty houses can feel cold and uninviting. Add warmth with area rugs, throw pillows, and artwork. These small touches can make a big difference in creating a welcoming atmosphere.

3. Highlight Architectural Features: Use staging to draw attention to the home’s architectural features, such as fireplaces, built-in shelving, or large windows. Arrange furniture to emphasize these elements and make them stand out.

4. Use Proper Lighting: Good lighting is crucial in staging an empty house. Make sure each room is well-lit by using a combination of natural light, overhead fixtures, and lamps. Proper lighting can make spaces feel larger and more inviting.

5. Keep It Simple: Avoid over-staging. Keep the decor simple and tasteful to allow buyers to focus on the home’s features rather than the furnishings.

Final Preparations Before Showings

Before your home is ready for showings, take the time to make final preparations. These last-minute touches can ensure your home is in top condition and ready to impress potential buyers:

1. Deep Clean: Give your home a thorough deep cleaning. Pay attention to details like baseboards, windows, and appliances. A spotless home sends a message that it has been well cared for.

2. Stage the Exterior: Don’t forget the exterior of your home. Curb appeal is crucial, so make sure the lawn is mowed, bushes are trimmed, and the front entrance is clean and welcoming.

3. Set the Mood: Create a welcoming atmosphere by setting the mood with soft music, pleasant scents, and comfortable temperatures when staging an empty house. Light a few scented candles or use essential oils to make your home smell inviting.

4. Final Touches: Make final adjustments to staging, such as fluffing pillows, arranging fresh flowers, and ensuring all lights are turned on. These small details can make a big difference in how buyers perceive your home.

5. Vacate During Showings: Whenever possible, leave the house during showings. Buyers need to feel comfortable exploring the space without the pressure of the homeowner being present.


Staging your home is a powerful tool that can significantly impact its sale. By following these tips and investing some time and effort, you can make your property stand out in the competitive Edmonton market. A well-staged home not only attracts more potential buyers but also increases the likelihood of a faster sale and a higher return on investment.

At The Staging Place, we specialize in transforming homes with expert staging, design, and renovations. Our team delivers stress-free, tailored solutions to make your property irresistible to buyers. Whether you’re a homeowner, realtor, builder, or investor, we’re here to help you enhance your property’s appeal for a quicker sale and higher price. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your home-selling goals.

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